You are passionate, busy, full of desire to feel more joy, more balance, more achievement and live out your grandest aspirations.

As the CEO of your own life, and potentially your own business, you know there is more in you. Your life has a purpose and if you are not living that purpose, there is a void not only in your life but in the universe.

Do you feel your heart or soul tugging at you a little and not sure exactly how to translate that longing into action? Do doubt and uncertainty compromise your confidence? Are you feeling ready to create a few shifts that accelerate results around your goals for family, your business or livelihood, your passions ...desires you have for yourself?

Thank goodness, because all of us have a natural longing for growth! And this is where I enter the picture.

I help women (and a few good men) to discover their extraordinary. Which propels them into living life fully, joyfully, heroically, and authentically, successfully.

Having 30 years of training, speaking, business building, and success in my personal and professional life, I understand exactly what is needed to go beyond living and into co-creating a life you love. I know how hard it is to start a business, have children, care for family, want more time for myself (it is not a luxury, it is a necessity) feel like an octopus with every tentacle being pulled at once so you literally are at a standstill. Here is some good news. Everything is a process, but there are tangible practices that can jump-start the results you are looking for. Joy, Fun, Balance, and Achievement can co-exist. You can, and are literally designed to live a life you love and love the life you live.

My goal is to help you discover your natural gifts, empower you to co-create a life that is amazing and congruent with your True North.

I will walk side by side with you on a Journey to Heroic Joy. Especially, female entrepreneurs and leaders who are looking to step into their purpose with intention and strategy.

My definitions of these words are a huge part of this platform.



When you pour your heart and soul into living and bravely facing challenges.


Being and feeling love, gratitude, connection, generosity, compassion, accomplished, prosperous, and free.


Hi, I’m Lynda!

I am a wife/ mother/ daughter/sister/ speaker/ trainer/ coach/ business owner/ leadership and team-building expert/ confidence advocate/ life lover working with women – just like you – to enrich their lives and elevate their levels of success. Empowering you to take your life to the next level, develop confidence and leadership, overcome overthinking and start having fun while reaching your goals.

Of course, I did not start out with this least not all of it.

After graduating from college in English Literature (USC – Fight On !) I realized the world did not really need experts in Shakespeare. Stumbling into sales, I discovered my genuine love for people and making friends came in handy. After my sales jobs, sales management for two Fortune 500 companies, and then sales training for two more, my combined years and success in starting my own company made me an “expert” in something that the world did need. Leadership, team building, business success strategies.

Early in my career I was being interviewed and was asked how I would describe myself. I said, “I am the happiest person I know.” Years later when asked what was ONE tip for success, I said “Open your mouth and your heart at the same time.” It dawned on me that those two statements were more related than I realized. Optimism and confidence were two natural characteristics that made a huge difference for me and now, I just want every woman who has a dream to experience what it feels like to live that dream.

And well, the rest is HERstory (I really love how this word has shifted from history) — fast forward to today and I am a business owner, speaker and have been working with women entrepreneurs and leaders for over two decades.

Over those two decades plus....(here’s the part where it feels “braggy,” but really, I just want you to know some of what I have been able to accomplish.

  • I’ve co-founded a multi-million dollar international wellness company, Gia Wellness, and continued speaking for Women’s Events, Division 1 College Athletic teams, companies like Starbucks, Bristol Myers Squibb, and Microsoft sponsored events, and many charitable organizations like the Boys and Girls Club, and Chrysalis  Los Angeles.

  • I have created youth leadership and non-profit programs Roots and Wings, Hope Happens, and Heroic Joy Leadership Academy.

  • I’ve been invited to be part of a PBS Documentary that featured 10 Global women who are changing the paradigm in business.

  • I’ve written a coaching program and have been published and featured in magazines.

Most importantly:

  • I’ve helped many women business owners double and triple their income, pursue and reach their dreams, and experience more joy in the process than they knew.

  • And... I can’t wait to have you be a part of this amazing community and have the opportunity to work with you.

Here are a few fun facts that feel like the real stuff:



I love spicy margaritas and pink peonies.



I speak Spanish fluently, my mother is Nicaraguan. I have one older sister. I grew up with 27 first cousins.


I love a song as soon as I can sing the lyrics (always off-key).



My daddy was a blondie from Southern California who was so madly in love with my mom that witnessing their relationship was a blessing.


Dancing is fuel for my soul, and the beach is oxygen to my lungs.



I did shopping television in Australia and love both Australia and New Zealand.


A Knight’s Tale is one of my favorite movies.



I studied at Cambridge University for a semester, loved USC, love my Austrian husband, am good friends with my ex-husband and father to my amazing two daughters.

What People Are Saying


Lynda has helped me realize my dreams—dreams that I didn’t even know I had in me. One cannot help but become a better version of who they are when they put Lynda’s guiding principles into practice.


Lynda Cormier is—without a doubt—the most authentic, dynamic and inspirational speaker we have ever seen. Her message is eye-opening, her heart is boundless, and her presence magnetic!



Lynda taught me what limiting beliefs do to us, how to recognize them, break through them, and how to move forward to become the very best version of ourselves. I’m not there yet, but every day, thoughts I have and decisions I make personally as well as in my business are a direct result of concepts Lynda has taught.


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“This was me when I was around 4 years old. I didn’t know then that my purpose would include being a “leader” but I am, and so are you.”

Join the Journey!

Connect to your personal True North Blueprint

Keep searching for the colors when everything turns gray.