Lynda’s 8 Heroic Joy Steps to Achievement
01 — Dream Big
Allow. Really allow yourself to explore your authentic heart’s desires. If all things were possible who would you be? What would you do? What would you have? Answer these questions with as much detail and unlimited thinking as possible.
02 — Decide
Decide what it is that you want in your life. It could start with short-term goals or write out long-term goals. Every single thing you’ve ever achieved in your life, every aspiration that has turned into a result, happened because you made a decision. Even as a baby, a silent internal decision ignites learning to walk. The attempt is triggered by an internal decision. Later, we may have decided to ride a bike, to strive for a better grade. Decisions are the starting point to which we can tether commitment.
03 — Clarify Vision with a Positive Intention and a Purpose To Serve
We have a personal vision and it is clear, but now, it's important to connect that vision to exactly how it will make a difference for others. When we bond our personal vision, with how it serves others, literally everything about it, including achieving it is accelerated. Even a personal fitness or weight goal can be connected to making a difference for others. Years ago, as a mother of two young daughters, I made a decision to get more fit and while it was a personal goal, I connected it to serving my children. If I was more fit and confident, I would be less consumed with my weight, less frustrated, and more patient. A better, loving mother and parent to them and for them.
04 — Believe
The next step is to BELIEVE. Identify what beliefs you have that are working FOR you and what beliefs are working AGAINST you. If we do not truly believe in our ability to reach our goal, we will either self-sabotage, or allow challenges to derail us. You have the power to create beliefs that serve you in reaching all your goals.
05 — Take Action
Take action every day in the direction of your dreams. Even if it is just one small step forward, it is forward movement. Ask yourself this, “What is at least one thing I can do today, with what I have, right now to move closer to my goal?”
06 — Trust the Process
Everything in life is a process. Nothing is instant. Everything has its germination period and is teaching us, helping us grow. Have faith in the unfolding of events as stepping stones leading closer to your goal, and closer to who you are meant to be.
07 — Express Gratitude
Express gratitude for every experience and every moment. Even when it is difficult, there is a way to tap into your sense of appreciation. If you are stuck, simply ask yourself, “What is at least one thing I can be grateful for today?”
08 — Be Open to Receive
I love the idea and quote that the “world is conspiring to shower you with blessings.” Your aspirations are meant to be created for the world to continue growing and expanding. It is so important to remember that if you are holding onto resentment for others or yourself, it is as if your arms are “full and occupied” holding onto something which means you are not freely open and ready to receive what you are co-creating.

"Joy & beauty are the oxygen that gives life to our imagination.”
-Lynda Cormier