Finding & Tapping Into Your Voice: The Kim Barrett Show Podcast

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Are you having a hard time finding your specialty?

To become successful, you have to be confident in your skills and let your voice be heard. But for many of us, it can be hard, especially when you’re not even sure what you’re good at.

Our guest, GIA Wellness’ Co-Founder Lynda Cormier, is an expert at helping people trust themselves and  trust their abilities. She has decades of experience in providing advice for aspiring leaders and growing businesses. Lynda talks about the importance of developing your strengths and finding work-life balance.

Need help finding your superpower? Then tune in to this episode now.

What we discussed in this episode:

How Lynda started her company [1:23]

Everyone needs to break through a limiting belief [5:00]

What are the things that are holding women back [6:38]

What’s the first step to tap into your superpower [8:40]

Work on your strengths and not just your weaknesses [10:58]

How Lynda got into the wellness business [14:30]

About their hydration technology [16:50]

Biggest hurdles she faced in growing her business  [18:52]

Lynda’s upcoming nonprofit[21:33]


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